Thursday, January 28, 2021

Peer evaluation 1- phase2 teaching practice



Thycaud, Thiruvananthapuram 695014


Peer-Observation Schedule 2019-21


Name of the Student Teacher: BLESSY B J

 Name of the school                : Govt model boys high school Thycaud

Subject                                    :   Basic science

Chapter                                   : Water

Topic                                      :  Components of water

Class/Division                        : 8 D

Strength                                  :

Date                                        : 29/1/2021



Criteria for observation

Observation by the student teacher



Curricular Objective

Through observation of experiments, video, discussions, and its analysis, students will become able to develop the concept of splitting of components in water and apply these concepts in the daily life situations.

Content organization

Content is organized in a good manner maintaining hierarchy and all topics are linked correctly.

Learning aids

Teacher used PowerPoint presentation, Images, videos and blackboard is also used.

Learning Outcome

1.To understand components of water

2. To enable the student to explain the methods to split component of water.


Questioning was the main evaluation method used.

ICT Resources

Power point presentation, images and videos of experiment

Pre requisites

An idea about chemical name of water, components of water and electrolysis of water


Samagra portal, SCERT teachers textbook, you tube , internet

Expected outcome

1. To develop a spirit of enquiry and scientific attitude among students.

2. To enhance observation and interpretation skills


Product in materials


To get an idea about components of water and method to split constituent elements of the compound.




Class was not that much interesting since teacher’s explanation doesn’t include more real life examples. Teacher used less colorful pictures which don’t felt interesting.


Class provided less motivation to students due to poor student’s interaction. Teacher constantly tried to motivate the students by continually asking good questions but somehow it was not a complete success.

Linking with previous knowledge

Previous knowledge of components of water, chemical name of water, electrolysis of water is properly linked to this class.

Using ICT/Aids/Materials

Usage of ICT Resources was not satisfactory. Teacher should include heading for each slides and include texts where it is necessary. Teacher should also include interesting videos in power point.


 Questions were good and sentence construction was also good. Teacher asked good eliciting questions

Teacher Scaffolding

Teacher provided scaffolding at necessary places where students felt difficulty in answering questions.

Aiming the Learning Outcome



Learning outcome has attained at the end of class.



Group Activity:


Grouping instruction and


No group activity given.

Student Participation

All the students were not participated in a good manner. Only certain students answered to the questions.

Facilitating students activity

Since it is an online class, students activities were less

Construction of


Construction of concepts was good. Teacher constructed the concepts  by adding extra effort



Conclusion and explanation

Teacher consolidated the class in a good manner by checking whether all predetermined objectives were achieved or not. In the situation where students failed to understand the concepts, teacher explained the ideas more than once. Explanation skill of teacher was good.


Teacher constantly evaluated whether each student has attained learning outcome or not through questioning and provided scaffolding in places where it necessary.

Follow up activity

(linking to next Lesson Plan)


Follow-up activity was given and is linked with next class. No higher order questions were given

Teacher Competencies:


Knowledge of subject matter

Teacher had good subject knowledge. Teacher almost cleared all doubts of the children immediately.

Communication skills

Teacher communicated to the students without the inhibition in a confident voice.


Teacher had a loud voice and attitude.

Interpersonal relationships

A connection between students is established rapidly.

Democratic atmosphere

 There was a democratic atmosphere in the classroom but teacher failed to collect responses from all students.

Effective communication

Effective communication was there.

Time Management

Teacher managed time in the classroom so easily. Teacher could able to cover topics at the allotted time.

Realization of learning outcome



Product in materials


Power point presentation, virtual lab videos, images.


1.    Face of teacher is not visible, only body parts are visible to the children during initial time of class

2.    Experiments should be explained while presenting video since video doesn’t possess sound

3.    Explanation was really good

4.    Confidence level of teacher is high

5.    Sound of teacher is loud, which is satisfactory.

6.    Good eliciting questions are used.

7.    Black board skill is good.

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