Friday, January 29, 2021

class 2-ppt-teaching practice phase 2

CLASS 1-PPT- Teaching practice phase 2





Name of the teacher:  SREELAKSHMI A                   Name of the School :Dr. Ambedkar  Vidyaniketan school

Subject :  Chemistry                                                           Standard : IX

Unit : Atoms and molecules                                              Division : A

Topic:  Law definite proportion                                          Strength : 7

                                                                                                Period : 5




I planned today's lesson plan for transacting the content ' Law of definite proportion’ in the unit ‘Atoms and Molecules’ of Class 9. My curricular aim was to enable students to get aan understanding about law of definite proportions and apply it on daily life. My lesson plan has three parts.

1.     Curricular objective followed by the analysis of content, process and evaluation phase of the topic law of definite proportion.

2.     The transactional phase consisting of the activities and analysis of feedback.

3.     Follow up activities.

1.Reflection on curricular objectives and related contents

The lesson plan was prepared by analyzing the content of transaction thoroughly. The activities and the transaction phase were planned according to the predetermined objectives. The objectives were planned by considering the content, intellectual level of students and age of students. The learning aids and required ICT materials were prepared and collected for the smooth content transaction. ICT materials were also downloaded from the internet resources. The prerequisite were identified and written in the lesson plan.

          The lesson plan was written well and gave confidence for taking the class. The lesson plan contained strategies and activities which fitted for the scheduled time. Also the transnational activities were completed within the available time and time management was neatly done while writing the lesson plan.

2.     Reflection on the transaction  phase

Introduction of the topic was well presented. It captured attention and arouses interest and motivation to learn. The introduction helped to link with the contents easily. In introduction slide, I included slide of one scene from famous film titanic which captured attention of students. Eliciting questions asked were good to some extent. The transaction phases a contained demonstration of real objects, image presentation and some activities.  Reinforcement given to the students was sufficient. Continuous evaluation of the students was well done. The voice was good and I could maintain a better communication and rapport with the students to some extent. Students should be encouraged to ask more questions.

          Additional strategies should be planned while writing lesson plan, time management should be improved.

Almost all students were able to give proper answers for the home work questions. Efficient strategies should be planned to make all the students do their home work.

3.     Follow up activities

The conclusion to the content was sufficient. Knowledge was constructed by the students themselves. Evaluation questions were sufficient and could evoke thinking ability in the students.

4.     PowerPoint Presentation.

The PowerPoint presentation was well made. The contents were well organized and hierarchically arranged. The important points were given in bold letters and colors which helped students to write it down in their notebooks. Images were given in a logical sequence. More pictures regarding each concept is included which really helped the learner to construct the topic.

4.     Overall performance

The introduction was really good and teacher able to establish a rapport with students.  The whole class aroused interest and motivation to learn. Transaction phase was carried out smoothly. The presentation of images, demonstrartion and doing of calculations was successfully carried out. Class room management was good. New strategies to improve the transaction phase have to be included in future classes. Different class room management techniques have to be included.





Name of the teacher:  SREELAKSHMI A                   Name of the School :Dr. Ambedkar  Vidyaniketan school

Subject :  Chemistry                                                           Standard : IX

Unit : Atoms and molecules                                              Division : A

Topic: Introduction and Law of conservation of mass    Strength : 7

                                                                                                Period : 1

                                                                                               Date :28/1/2021



I planned today's lesson plan for transacting the content ' introduction to atom and law of conservation of mass’ in the unit ‘Atoms And Molecules’ of Class 9. My curricular aim was to enable students to get a general idea about atoms and law of conservation of mass. My lesson plan has three parts.

1.     Curricular objective followed by the analysis of content, process and evaluation phase of the topic atom.

2.     The transactional phase consisting of the activities and analysis of feedback.

3.     Follow up activities.

1.Reflection on curricular objectives and related contents

The lesson plan was prepared by analyzing the content of transaction thoroughly. The activities and the transaction phase were planned according to the predetermined objectives. The objectives were planned by considering the content , intellectual level of students and age of students. The learning aids and required ICT materials were prepared and collected for the smooth content transaction. ICT materials were also downloaded from the internet resources. The prerequisite were identified and written in the lesson plan.

          The lesson plan was written well and gave confidence for taking the class. The lesson plan contained strategies and activities which were fitted for the scheduled time. Also the transnational activities were completed within the available time and time management was neatly done while writing the lesson plan.

2.     Reflection on the transaction  phase

Introduction of the topic was not well presented. It could capture attention and arouse interest and motivation to learn. The introduction helped to link with the contents easily. I thought that demonstration of a socially relevant issue could capture attention of students but students were unaware of the social problem introduced. Eliciting questions asked were good to some extent. The transaction phase contained image presentation, video presentation, experiment presentation and some activities.  Reinforcement given to the students was not satisfactory. Continuous evaluation of the students was well done. Echo from the speaker could have been avoided and selecting experiments for demonstration should be done more carefully. The voice was good and I could maintain a better communication and rapport with the students to some extent. Students should be encouraged to ask more questions.

          Additional strategies should be planned while writing lesson plan,  time management should be improved .

Almost all students were able to give proper answers for the home work questions. Efficient strategies should be planned to make all the students do their home work.


3.     Follow up activities

The conclusion to the content was sufficient. Knowledge was constructed by the students themselves. Evaluation questions were sufficient and could evoke thinking ability in the students. Scientific creativity could have been included.

4.     PowerPoint Presentation.

The power point presentation was well made. The contents were well organized. The important points were given in bold letters and colors which helped students to write it down in their notebooks. Images and videos were given in a logical sequence. The experiments and result were included

5.     Overall performance

The introduction was bad and confusing since teacher doesn’t have any knowledge about students since she is dealing with new students. it could arouse interest and motivation to learn. Transaction phase was carried out smoothly. The presentation of images, videos and audios was successfully carried out. Class room management was good. New strategies to improve the transaction phase have to be included in future classes. Different class room management techniques must be included. Time management should be improved. New strategies have applied to make students do their home assignment.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

MCQ-2nd semester -general paper


Second semester

Education in the Indian society


1.       Initiation ceremony of student in the Vedic period

a)      Upanayana

b)      Vidyarambha

c)      Pabbajja

d)     Samavarthana

Answer : Vidyarambha





2.      Head office of UGC is at


a)      Mumbai

b)      Bengaluru

c)      Delhi

d)     Hyderabad

e)      Answer: Delhi




3.      Pali was the language of instruction used in

a)      Education in early vedic period

b)      Education in late vedic period

c)      Budhist education

d)     Dravidian education

e)      Answer: Budhist education


4.      Right to constitutional remedies is described in


a)      Article 14

b)      Article 15

c)      Article 32

d)     Article 23

Answer: Article 32


5.      National Education Commission is popularly known as

a)      Kothari Commission

b)      Secondary Education Commission

c)      University education Commission

d)     Kothari Commission


Answer: Kothari Commission


6.      who composed the holy books called Vedas

a)      Guptas

b)      Buddhist

c)      Aryans

d)     Dravidians



7.      The ceremony of initiation of education in Buddhism is called


a)      vidyarambham

b)      upanayana

c)      pabbajja

d)     upasambada

Answer: pabbajja

8.      which is the Magna Carta of Indian education

a)      Sargent Commission

b)      wood's dispatch

c)      Macaulay minutes

d)     Hunter Commission

Answer:Woods dispatch


9.      education falls under

a)      concurrent list

b)      state list

c)      fundamental rights

d)     fundamental duties

Answer:Concurrent list


10.  the policy adopted as per the Recommendation of Kothari Commission on language

a)      three language formula

b)      two language formula

c)       Hindi

d)     Mother tongue

Answer: Three language formula

11.  Veda has been derived from the Vidwhich means

a)      God

b)      religion

c)      knowledge

d)     education


12.  How many fundamental rights are in our constitution

a)      6

b)      10

c)      7

d)     5


13.  Operation blackboard programme was launched to improve

a)      teacher education

b)      Secondary Education

c)      Primary education

d)     Higher education

Answer:primary education


14.  name the Apex body of teacher education in India

a)      UGC

b)      NCTE

c)      MHRD

d)     NCERT



15.  The system of education giving importance to 3 R’s


a)      Vedic education

b)      Buddhist education

c)      Dravidian education

d)     Modern education

Answer:Dravidian education


16.  which education was reaction against corrupt Hinduism

a)      Vedic education

b)      Dravidian education

c)      Modern Education

d)     Buddhist education

Answer:Buddhist education


17.  which report visualize a system of free and compulsory education to children between the ages 6 to 14

a)      Hartog committee

b)      wood's dispatch

c)      Sargent report

d)     None of these

Answer:Sargent report

18.  The agency formulated after the Recommendation of Radhakrishnan Commission

a)      CEC

b)      UGC

c)      NAAC

d)     NCTE


19.  GDP refers to

a)      Gross Domestic Product

b)      Grow Domestic Product

c)      Growth Domestic Product

d)     none of the above

Answer:Gross Domestic Product


20.  which program reduced the overall dropout at primary level


a)      SSA

b)      DPEP

c)      RMSA

d)     RUSA

Answer: DPEP

21.   what is the meaning of learning?

a)      continuous process

b)      Related to environment

c)      Universal process

d)     all the above

Answer: all the above


22.  Transfer of learning of a particular task interface the learning of subsequent task

a)      sequential transfer

b)      practical transfer

c)      positive transfer

d)     negative transfer

Answer:negative transfer

23.  concave shaped curve is called

a)      learning curve

b)       Negative curve

c)      positive curve

d)     none of these

Answer:positive curve

24.  The motivation that arises within the individual

a)      extrinsic

b)      artificial

c)      intrinsic

d)     intensify


25.  Self-actualization theory is propounded by

a)      David

b)      Maslow

c)       Atkinson

d)     Robert glaser


26.  Formation of Mendel image is called

a)      sensation

b)      concept

c)      perception

d)     creation


27.  The deliberate act of on the part of individual to overcome difficulties

a)      reasoning

b)      thinking

c)      problem solving

d)     metacognition

Answer:problem solving

28.  who coined the term metacognition?

a)      Pavlov

b)      Thorndike

c)      Lewin

d)     Flavell


29.  The approach that in the products learning as the change in the field of learner and the environment

a)      information processing

b)      behaviorism

c)      constructivism

d)     cognitive


30.  which theory introduced the word locomotion

a)      trial and error

b)      expository

c)      constructivism

d)     behaviorist

Answer:trial and error


31.  In education …………………….. is used to make interface about the learning and development of students

a)      assessment

b)      evaluation

c)      measurement

d)     diagnosis


32.  An assessment that is conducted period to the start of teaching in is called

a)      initial assessment

b)      a formal assessment

c)      formative assessment

d)     summative assessment

Answer:initial assessment

33.  An assessment carried out throughout the course

a)      initial assessment

b)      formative assessment

c)      Diagnostic assessment

d)     summative assessment

Answer:formative assessment

34.  An assessment is ………………………. if it continuously achieves the same result with a similar student

a)      valid

b)      reliable

c)      invalid

d)     Unreliable


35.  an assessment is ………………… if it measures what is intends to measure

a)      valid

b)      reliable

c)      invalid

d)     Unreliable

Answer: valid

36.  When any education plan is evaluated after its completion

a)      formative

b)      outcome

c)      summative

d)     process


37.  closed-form and open form are the types of

a)      rating scale

b)      questionnaire

c)      tests

d)     Cumulative record


38.  Measurement of how much a student has not been able to achieve

a)      achievement test

b)      Diagnostic test

c)      standardized test

d)     objective test

Answer:Diagnostic test

39.  a standard of performance for different population is termed as

a)      portfolio

b)      rubric

c)      blueprint

d)     none of this


40.  A graph in which frequencies are presented by

a)      bars diagram

b)      histogram

c)      frequency polygon

d)     ogive


41.  the relationship between two variables is known as

a)      range

b)      correlation

c)      mean

d)     mode


42.  a tentative statement about the solution of the problem is termed as

a)      research

b)      investigations

c)      hypothesis

d)     none of these


43.  knowledge is the motivation of which research

a)      applied research

b)      quantitative research 

c)      fundamental research

d)     action research

Answer: fundamental research

44.  which research is designated to solve practical problems of modern world

a)      applied research

b)      Fundamental Research

c)      qualitative research

d)     quantitative research

Answer:applied research

45.  the study of particular subjective done over a period of time expensively by students

a)      project

b)      recording

c)      seminar

d)     evaluating


46.  which of the most accurate graph that represents frequency

a)      bar diagram

b)      pie diagram

c)      histogram

d)     ogive



47.  the knowledge obtained  is based on observation and experimentation on theories are known as

a)      research

b)      empirical knowledge

c)      ethical knowledge

d)      project

Answer:empirical knowledge

48.  the value of coefficient of correlation is between

a)      1 to 1.5

b)      +1to -1

c)      0 to1

d)     1to 2

Answer: +1 to -1


49.  fixed range of score is determined in the advance for each grade is

a)      relative grading

b)      direct grading

c)      absolute grading

d)     none of these

Answer:direct grading


50.  the mean of population is denoted by symbol of

a)      x

b)      y

c)      p

d)     l
