CLASS observation report of Health education class in victers
High School
Performance capacity and fitness challenge
of the teacher: A S Midhun
of the school: GHSS Villadam, Thrissur.
of class:
Teacher begin the class by introducing the concept
name, that is ‘performance capacity and fitness challenge’ to class. Teacher
says that we can control the body and emotions by actively participating in
sports. Then teacher shares the story of a child. Teacher says that the child
was very naughty and his mental stress is changed due to involving in sports
activities. Then teacher says that the according to suggestion from his sports
teacher in school , he went to swimming pool and he became a superhero, its none
other than Michel Phelps.
Then he list out the achievements of Michel Phelps
in sports especially in Olympics.
Then he says about the importance of sports in
schools and how sports help to maintain mental health of an individual
Then teacher
explains the definition of fitness capacity .
Teacher mentioned about grounds in Kerala which are
not widely in use. Then teacher mentions about lack of physical exercise and
lifestyle diseases arises due to it. Teacher emphasis about the importance of
45 minutes exercise to be done on every day.
Then teacher performs certain exercises and asks
students to perform the same.
Teacher is performing following exercises.
1. Stretching
– forward stretch and backward stretch
2. bending
3. Neck
4. Shoulder
5. Alternate
shoulder rotations
6. Rotating
7. Finger
8. Hip
rotation to both sides
9. Leg
with cycling for both sides
10. Angle
movements for both legs
Then teacher challenges the student in a fitness
challenge which involve following activities
1. Running
in four directions.
2. jumping
3. Pushup
for both girls and boys(separate)
4. Sitting
in chair position exercise for 10 times
5. Boat
6. Reverse
boat position
7. Inhale
and exhale exercises
8. Shaking
of hands and legs
Then teacher consolidate the class
by mentioning about literacy in Kerala in terms of sports and physical
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